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Enjoying Your Anime Now! to the fullest

1. Install Mozilla Firefox - Mozilla Firefox is the ideal browser for this website since some of the videos do not show up in Interenet Explorer. A lot of website on the modern internet work best on Mozilla Firefox and streaming videos work more efficient as well. Once you have installed Mozilla Firefox, make sure you install the latest Adobe Flash Player.

2. Tell Your Friends - Word of mouth is the best form of advertisement. We will deliver the best Anime online, and you can help Your Anime Now by spreading the word. Its the least you guys can do to us as a thanks. Give and take :D

3. Contribute to the Anime Community - We bring you Anime for free, but those who make Animeneed some form of income in order to keep producing Anime series. If you liked a certain series, support the makers by buying Anime products, or DVDs.

4. Stay Cool and be Patient - Sometimes Anime air dates are canceled or moved, the Subbers release their subs inconsistently, a video doesn't play, we make screw up. The Truth is we don't make any of these Animes, nor upload them, nor sub them. We merely arrange and post them so that you do not have to look for them all over the net. We are humans too and we have our flaws, so try to hold on to your horses when something goes wrong.

The more actively involved you are to the Anime Community, the more it will bloom. Enjoy the shows!